Sunday, December 23, 2007

giddy with anticipation

The Bustos house is getting a little giddy. The kids are just waiting for Christmas morning, I am getting ready to go to Michigan the day after Christmas and Jeff is looking forward to some well deserved time off from work. I am making more snowball ornaments that can fit on the tree so we now have a bowl full of them!

We hope everyone has a very merry Christmas with the people you love and very happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

decorations and lights

Yesterday we put up the old favorite decoration of construction paper chain links constructed by the little ones. They were so proud. Then we went for our annual walk through the botanic gardens to see the lights. The kids were amazed as they are every year but this year was extra special...they got 3D glasses which made every light look like a snowflake. Can't get much more fun than that!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Watch out Rachel Ray

The kids have so much fun pretending to cook. Usually Ryan will give you a menu, take your order and proceed to cook and serve you your food. A one women show! Both kids love to watch the food network. Definitely taking after their dad. Tonight they helped make their favorite Ryan was very serious and even did a little commentating. Here is the finished product.

Monday, December 10, 2007

2 little monkeys

We had the kids pose for a picture to send to Uncle Markie for his birthday.
How appropriate...couldn't have done better myself.
Happy Birthday Uncle Markie!
-Love your 2 little monkeys

Thursday, December 6, 2007

hey mom...look at me!

aah! Ryan and Cole are really exploring the new house now. The other day Ryan called me into the room to show me her new trick. She scaled the outside of the staircase to the top with ease. Wow, it scared me and made me smile at the same time. What will she think of next? and do I really want to know?

Monday, December 3, 2007

As Cole would say...

"It's almost Christmas Tree!"
We put up our Christmas tree last night. It's nice to have something in our front living room now (we haven't quite furnished all of our rooms yet). The kids had so much fun hanging ornaments and the tree looks great even though most of the ornaments are on the bottom half and many even on the same branch! Ryan graced us with a "Christmas show" of singing and dancing and Cole was happy with a candy cane.
Oh the bubbling excitement in our children's eyes.