We started the week off with our first ever adult party to celebrate my birthday. I have a wonderful husband who threw me a great party. We are also very lucky to have such great friends to celebrate with. In fact we had so much fun...I forgot to take pictures of the actual party, oops. The kids spent the night at a friends house (thanks Josh and Jen...by far the best gift!) and then they got a babysitter so they could join in the festivities. And the best yet...I got to sleep in the next day! That's right, and I am sure I won't be able to say that again for a while.
Next was a day at the zoo ... beautiful day and wonderful company. That is our friend Rebecca's little one, Ella sandwiched in between our two.
Jeff's few days off were filled with getting some projects done. We finished taking down the last of the wall paper in the mud room and he built me a stand for the washer and dryer. It always feels good to get projects knocked off the list.
We ended the week with a beautiful day at the park.
It is sad that the week has to end but I feel like it was a preface to the summer we are going to have in the new neighborhood. Something to look forward too.