Sunday, March 30, 2008

super fun week

We are now winding down from our spring break and fabulous week off. Ryan and I were lucky to have the same week off of school even though we are in different school districts and Jeff took off 3 days in the middle of the week so the whole family was off...yea!

We started the week off with our first ever adult party to celebrate my birthday. I have a wonderful husband who threw me a great party. We are also very lucky to have such great friends to celebrate with. In fact we had so much fun...I forgot to take pictures of the actual party, oops. The kids spent the night at a friends house (thanks Josh and far the best gift!) and then they got a babysitter so they could join in the festivities. And the best yet...I got to sleep in the next day! That's right, and I am sure I won't be able to say that again for a while.

Next was a day at the zoo ... beautiful day and wonderful company. That is our friend Rebecca's little one, Ella sandwiched in between our two.

Jeff's few days off were filled with getting some projects done. We finished taking down the last of the wall paper in the mud room and he built me a stand for the washer and dryer. It always feels good to get projects knocked off the list.

We ended the week with a beautiful day at the park.

It is sad that the week has to end but I feel like it was a preface to the summer we are going to have in the new neighborhood. Something to look forward too.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

spring has arrived

time for fresh flowers (thanks jeff)

or ones made out of tissue paper (thanks ryan)

time for climbing trees

and for dancing butterflies

happy spring!

Friday, March 14, 2008

before and after

As per requested by some (ie: Lu) here are some before and after shots of the house so far. We started small...but any bit of the wall paper that comes down is a huge feat in my mind.
The first room to be done was the bathroom on the main floor.
This was the wall paper before...

and the finished product.

Next we took on the main living room/dining room.
Most of the walls were white and we were graced with this lovely wall paper in the dining room...

Now the walls are green and no more pink and white stripes(at least on the main floor...yes there is more)!

That's it for now with plenty more yet to come.

Monday, March 10, 2008

birthday #2

Anita (Albuquerque Nema) and the boys came for Ryan's birthday weekend. We had fun playing with the cousins (Jacob and Isaac), going to the zoo,having a "real" tea party, and topped off with a 5 year old birthday party! It was fun, exciting and absolutely exhausting. It's a bit shocking that my babies are now 3 and 5 years old and maybe even more shocking that I turn 30 at the end of the month...and the birthdays continue!