Thursday, July 24, 2008

a tour

this morning I thought I would photograph our walk through our vegetable that there are actually things to photograph. We are so proud of our first veggies and can't wait for then to be ready! aren't they pretty?
green bell pepper
the newest edition in the flower garden and I am not sure what it is yet...anyone?
sugar snap peas
cherry tomatoes
Roma tomatoes
and it wouldn't be Jeff''s vegetable garden if it didn't have would it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

8 days in michigan

day 1 - meeting Isabella for the first time - my sweet girl

day 2 - a paddle in Reed's lake, yesterdog lunch, a swim in the danielski's pool and papa's softball game

day 3 - a beautiful beach day at grand haven

day 4 and 5 - Hoeksema family reunion in Chicago

day 6- a walk through Fredrick Meyer Gardens

day 7 - another amazing beach day at Lu's cottage and a float down a lazy river

day 8 - a little mom time and saying goodbye

we definitely packed it all in and had the best time. Thanks to all for "making it happen!"

Monday, July 7, 2008

how can i say "no" to...

my little guy wanting to have on a pretty dress just like his sister...

and to me joining in the fun myself!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

take me out to the ball game

Last week the kids started is so fun and hysterical! They are each on a different team.
Cole with 3-4 year olds and Ryan with 5-6 year olds. They really love it. Ryan is starting to catch on and learn some skills and Cole just loves to shag every ball that comes by him. Now it really seems like summer.