Friday, January 23, 2009

what I learned today

That almost 4 is still 3!
Tonight I found Cole exploring in my bathroom...
"putting on lotion because my cheeks are red"

and "look at my silly hat!"(if he only knew).

Sunday, January 11, 2009

beautifully said

My sweet boy snuggled up to me and said "I love you mom."
So I asked him what it meant to love someone and his appropriate 3 (almost 4) year old answer...
"It means that I want to give you a hug!"
So here is a hug from Cole today or an I love you...which ever you would prefer.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

not sad that it's over...

so greatful that it happened.
Our Chritmas break is coming to an end this evening. We had a wonderful holiday. I am satisfied and full with my family. We had great times together relaxing and having fun.

Some of our fun included the zoo lights the other night...

And making Shrinky-dinks lastnight!

and they are still great fun...thanks markie and liz.
-Happy and content and back to work.