4 years ago tomorrow our beautiful Cole was born. What a four years it has been. Our family felt instantly complete the day we brought Cole home to meet his almost two year old sister. From the moment he was born our boy has been our snuggler. He was always comfortable and content and was quite an easy baby. He grew, he ate, he slept. We watched.
Cole has looked up to to his big sister since the beginning. Even talking about his birthday and that he will be four tomorrow he asks "then when am I going to be 5 like Ryan?" The first two years of his life, he watched and studied her every move. His early nicknames include...Mr. compliance, deliberate boy and Mr. cautious. Cole was very happy on the sidelines just watching. It would take him quite a while to feel comfortable and join in just about anything.
The last two years...let's just say I haven't used those nicknames for Cole in quite sometime. He really has come into his own. He still doesn't ease into new situations easily but I wouldn't call him cautious anymore either.
As a four year old little boy Cole is full of life, energy, questions and drama. He takes swim lessons that he is very proud of and is also on a 3-4 year old soccer "team" (very entertaining to watch). Cole is enjoying his first year as an "only" child, home all day with Jeff as Ryan is off at school. He loves when Ryan comes home and teaches him everything she learned at school and is eager to go to preschool next year already. Cole is a thinker, very inquisitive and has a great sense of humor which keeps us constantly laughing. You can't just give him a simple answer to questions...it has to be broken down step by step or he is just not satisfied.
It has been amazing to see Cole come into his own. 3 had it's challenges and some of his most memorable moments...looking forward to what 4 brings.
Happy Happy birthday my sweet boy.