Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Go Team Bustos!

This weekend was full of accomplishments for the Bustos family. Jeff and I met our 5 month goal and ran in our first race. We attempted and succeeded in running the Boulder Boulder, a 10K race, on Monday. We started and finished together with a time of 62 minutes...and Cole was our biggest supporter!

And today Ryan completed (graduated) Kindergarten. Her class (of 2021) had a performance followed by a little party. We are so proud of our sweet girl for loving school and learning so much this year. It's hard to believe she will be in 1st grade next year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

little slugger

Ryan had her second game tonight. It is so fun to watch her play. She is enjoying it more and more. Here is our little hitter...enjoy!

Friday, May 15, 2009


is Ryan's number on her tee ball team. The Red Dawgs had their first game tonight and won with a whopping score of 32-25. My side hurt by the end of the game from laughing so hard. The girls were great and excited and the perfect age of 6/7. After the game I asked Ryan how she felt...
"I felt like I had at least four smiles on my face the whole time."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mummsy day

Every year on mother's day Jeff manages to get a self timed family photo for me. There have been a few years that have been very difficult and hysterical...I think this was the year may have turned the "easy" corner. The participants were much more aware and willing. Accompanying the photos is always a homemade card that reads...this is YOUR crazy family. It's my favorite part of the day.

We also did some yard work. A beautiful over cast day to expand our vegetable garden. We are almost doubling it in size. On the side of our house was a lovely brick patio. Unfortunately it is on the south side with no shade, so we never sat there. Undeniably a perfect place for a vegetable garden. So brick by brick we pulled up the patio and replaced it with beautiful dirt which will later house our veggies for the summer. Seeing that it was previously a patio, it had a 4 inch layer of sand under the brick...what to do...what to do?
make a sand box!

Wishing every mama a wonderful day with your lovelies!