Friday, May 28, 2010

proud mama and papa

Not only did Cole graduate Preschool today, but when we got to school today we found out that Cole's artwork was chosen for the cover of the program!

We are so proud of the little boy he has become...sometimes very focused, other times not at all!

He is silly and is loved by all the kids in his class. We are so excited for Cole to go to the same school as his sister for kindergarten but we will miss the amazing gem that we found - Lawrence preschool. His teachers have been incredible and we are so thankful for the foundation they have given him.
Here's to our little graduate!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a perfect evening...

after a couple of tough emotional days.

This week I realized that not only can I not keep my children in perfect little bubbles, but I have to try and teach them life long lessons that they will hopefully remember and take with them as they grow. In the past few days Ryan's world let her down a bit and it was so difficult trying to explain why people make bad decisions and do the wrong thing. I just want to keep her world safe and innocent just a little longer... reading bedtime books in the hammock with her mummy and brother.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

just add it to my resume

Happy mama's day to all of the beautiful mother's in my life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

a walk

through our garden

and more.

Denver botanic gardens

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tea for three

Jeff's mom came in town for a long weekend. I have been really missing family lately and this visit was much needed for all. As a tradition, Ryan and I take Anita out for a ladies tea when she comes in town, and this week we took her to the Brown Palace. It was beautiful, decadent and we felt so spoiled.
Thank you for these two beautiful ladies I have in my life.