Sunday, February 26, 2012

weekend fun

We continued celebrating Cole's birthday this weekend... a little zoo time, gymnastics class, a little birthday party and topped off by a Sunday afternoon of skiing.

 Needless to say we are all smiling and very tired. These are the days...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

for Cole

 Crying but cool
Orange carrot eater
Extra loving and sweet

Best Brother
Ultimate Lego builder
Sometimes falling off chairs
Over the top funny
Super silly goofball

from: Ryan

 Happy 7th Birthday to our sweet boy...
 You make us smile everyday.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

tickets please!

 Yesterday we finished the last chapter of bk1...Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! So of course we headed off to the library to check out the movie for a Family Movie Night.

 The ticket maker/taker was very serious with her job...making sure we presented out ticket sub for re-entry even.

 Treats were picked out...popcorn was popped and we were ready for the featured presentation. It was fun to hear them "know" what was going to happen and feel so proud of the correct predictions.  After the conclusion of the movie, it was music to my ears to hear them both say they thought the book was better. "They left a lot out of the movie."
Bk 2 : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... here we come!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

snow day...fabulous snow day!


our snow dog

26 inches!

"We are the ultimate snow collectors."

tree in our front yard

20 inches in the last 36 hours for our neck of the woods. Snow day on Friday. Playing and shoveling...many  many games of memory and sorry...endless cups of hot chocolate and tea. Socked in and loving it!