Friday, April 20, 2012


Written on our kitchen chalk board we have a family motto..."How may days would you trade for today?"

 : : a family bike ride

 : : a little bouldering
 : : a stop for ice cream

: : a cool off down by the river

This was one of those days.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

our tree

When we first moved into our house..almost 5 years ago... our neighbors from across the street said, "Oh good, now you can cut down that sad looking  tree." Apparently the previous owners had such a hard time keeping it healthy and honestly it didn't look like it was in the best shape. Now it is my absolutely favorite tree on the block in the spring. It is a great little climbing tree right in our front yard with the most beautiful purple blossoms.
I often find the kids sitting in it peacefully taking in the neighborhood around them. It is my first and last view I get going to and from home.

I love this little tree.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Complete business with kool-aide/lemonade, accountants and traveling advertisement!
Profit...$7.00 after paying for advertisement and mom for product. Not bad for a sunny spring afternoon.

Monday, April 2, 2012

our week

As I write...Nema and Papa are making the long trek back to Michigan and we are missing them this morning for coffee. We are so grateful to have them make the drive for Spring Break and it is always hard when they leave. The kids are sad and wishing for just one or two more days of their company. Our week is full of adventures, good food and much laughter. We miss you...

and thanks for coming.
Until we see you this you!