Friday, July 27, 2012

2nd place

So proud of this little girl! As the red dog softball season ends with a 2nd place tournament win, I reflect back on the year and I am so amazed. This little girl of ours was part of a team, full of positive spirit and gave it her all. She's not the most competitive which was nice to watch her have fun. She played outfield but really loved her innings playing 2nd base. She loved her at bats and had a smile most of the time.

So proud of you sweet girl!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


We have been having a blast visiting with friends now that we are back in town...

 Meeting Sebastian for the first time.

 A little Ping Pong with Z&E and Ace.

The Zoo with the Wonder girls.
Loving every minute of our time with friends.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Our hearts are heavy as we say goodbye...
Thank you for loving us.

 Thank you for protecting us.

 Thank you for being our good boy.

We love and miss you buddy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The kids and I have just filled our hearts and souls with...

::the Lake

 :: Nema and Papa
 :: Aunts and Uncles

:: Lot's of laughs
 :: and of course Ice cream!
We love and miss you all! Thank you...our hearts are full.