Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the colors are a changin'

The kids and I got out of town for a much needed slow down and to catch a glimpse of fall in the mountains. The Quakies were in full change...beautiful and vibrant.
 The kids got some great fort building time...

 and a few soaks in the the tub.

This was the view while sipping a latte in the morning.
Kamani in the Jefferson valley was good to us...thank you, thank you so much!

Monday, September 10, 2012

a little fun

We took a few minutes after Ryan's swim team practice for a little diving board fun. I was trying to take the video of Cole jumping off the high dive for the first time and realized I got two for one! 


Sunday, September 9, 2012

a day

Brunch with Daddy...

 and getting nails done with Mommy...

I bet she wishes her brother was sick more often!

Friday, September 7, 2012

labor day fun

...once again. With the addition of the 3rd restaurant Ace, the party was as fun as ever! Every year Jeff's company puts on a great party full of great food, a face painter (tattoo artist), volleyball nets and an exciting kickball tournament.
Thanks again Josh and Jen!