Thursday, March 28, 2013

at this moment...

Stars softball has started

Spring chickens have arrived

And Nema and Papa are here...enjoying it all!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

taking advantage

We had a warm spell and took full advantage...Spring is on our minds!

Monday, March 11, 2013

pure joy

This was the reaction of Ryan recieving her birthday gift...Justin Bieber concert tickets~

Yes...the Bustos family will have Bieber fever in June for the conert here in Denver. Happy happy birthday my sweet sweet girl!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

she is 10...

almost! (the big double digit day is tomorrow) We celebrated our sweet girl this weekend by having a gaggle of girls over for a sleepover filled with singing, dancing and a fashion show. We are all a bit tired this morning...but it was well worth it to see the smiles and feel the love from all of Ryan's friends.

 Here's to you my little girl. Your daddy and I are so proud of who you and who are becoming. "I love you even more!"

Sunday, March 3, 2013

snow bunnies

(Cole has the orange helmet and Ryan is in white.)
It was a gorgeous day on the mountain...there was some new snow and the kids tried out poles for the first time. Ryan tackled (part of ) her first back diamond yesterday and Cole learned to hockey stop. They are both now officially better than me! 

Love that they love it!