Thursday, September 26, 2013

it's the little things

The kids came home from school one day to see their dad had hung this simple little swing in the front yard. I now find either kid choosing it for their spot to read in the afternoon or the social spot where all of the neighborhood kids gather to talk about what to play next.

  I dare say it is a sweet special little place to be.

Monday, September 23, 2013

absolutely perfect ...

 ...weekend spent with each other celebrating the end of summer. We enjoyed great friends, good food and drink and even a soccer game sandwiched in the middle.

 Happy fall and go Lightning Strikers!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The flow of life

I struggle to know what to write in this space sometimes. I like for it to be a celebration and positive extension of our family...but sometimes life is just hard. It has not been the easiest around here lately, but what I do know is that we have really wonderful people in our lives. Feeling grateful for that.
Going with the flow with peace in my heart and feeling very loved and supported.