Thursday, December 26, 2013

in a nutshell

So lovely, special and perfect...for us!
Cheers, from the Bustos Family

Monday, December 23, 2013

let the good times roll...

a very fun night with friends, games and lights!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


As many of you already know, our family has been making some changes! After many discussions and back and fourths, Jeff has made a career change. He has started his own real estate company. He is enjoying the challenge and new learning. And we... we are enjoying him! He has much more family time and it has been such a gift.

Last night as we were all decorating cookies, (my favorite still being the Christmas Stegosaurus) the table was filled with smiles and laughs. Could not have been a better moment in time or  filled my heart and soul more.

We are excited, scared (I hold this one) and grateful.

Merry Christmas and cheers to the New Year and Changes!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A look into the future?

Found this little gem on Ryan's phone...from this past summer. Cannot stop giggling...the wink!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


 The tree is up, the stockings are hung and Christmas books are being read. The first round of treats have been made... Biscochitos...the cookies always made in Jeff''s house around the holidays.

Love making these memories and traditions for the kids to know and love.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

incredibly grateful

We had Thanksgiving in New Mexico...
::grateful for family

:: grateful for long walks and exploring

:: grateful for wrestling /stories and laughing

 :: Most of all...thankful for having our Cyndi back at home healing and resting.