Sunday, November 30, 2014


We have so much to be thankful for...

::Nema and Jacob came to Colorado for Thanksgiving this year.

::Uncle Nick graced us with his presence.

:: a beautiful Thanksgiving Day walk...accompanied by swing jumping.

:: an amazing meal filled with laughter.

:: family games 

:: girls day of shopping while the boys went on a hike


A gorgeous long weekend filled us to the top with love and gratitude.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Candy Run

The family participated in our first 5K run! It was so fun and a great introduction for the goal...Boulder Boulder!

So proud of these two!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Nema and Papa

Last week, we ended a fantastic week of me being off for fall the break, my mom and dad here for a visit, and beautiful Colorado weather.

                                                            ::Happy Hours on the Deck

::Beautiful walk through the Botanic Gardens

::`Eagle's nest Hike

::A day at the Zoo

The best visit to date...thank you for coming!

Monday, November 3, 2014


From the Queen of Hearts, a scarecrow, Dumbledore, and Jason...Happy Halloween! 

the end...

of fall soccer.

Way to Go Lightning Strikers!