Friday, June 26, 2015


Cole's experience for his birthday was just had...cirque du soleil!
We enjoyed the magical evening at Kurious

Smiles all around for the "fun hogs!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Angel Fire, NM

Jeff and I just finished a 10 day stint with the kids in Albuquerque with their Nema and Grandpa. They had a great time...(but ours was better!) This past weekend was the hand off back to us and we decided to meet in Angel fire. It is such a beautiful place to spend time in...gorgeous and peaceful.
We spend an afternoon in Red River...

The next day was on a pontoon boat on Angel Fire lake...

slow down Jacob!

"Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there." ~Grateful Dead

Friday, June 12, 2015


This year for the kid's birthdays we decided to give them an experience as a gift. They both have enough "stuff" (we all do) and thought that a special event would be more memorable. This week was Ryan's experience...We went out for dinner to the place Jeff took me on our first date (15 years ago!) and then downtown to see Wicked. It was so fun and the kids loved it as much as I did!


Love, love this family of mine.