Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dear Cole,

11 years ago today, you came into our lives...Our "cold" baby as your loving older sister called you for weeks (not realizing we were calling you Cole, not cold.)
Here are few things about you sweet boy- 
You are ...
Carefree- you are who you are, like it or not!
 Funny -  you make us laugh everyday ...timing is everything!
 Determined - you take everything apart to see how it works and may not be able to put it back together.
 Imaginative - you find a book series you love and barrel though it staying up way too late to finish a book.
 Meticulous - you do origami and draw for hours if it has anything to do with dragons.
 Full of Drama - "I don't know how I did that!?!"
 Thoughtful- "I'll pay for my field trip this time, you have paid for so many already."
 Inspired - " Why do we waste time fixing our problems from the past instead of working on the future?"
 Adventurous - ready for anything!
 Sweet - still ok snuggling with your mama.

 Happy happy birthday beautiful Cole! Your dad and I love you to the moon and back.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

whimsical weekend...

in Madison with these little nuggets!
(and these big ones too.)

We spent time outside on the farm, in the city, on frozen lakes and celebrating a birthday!

 Such a lovely weekend - thank you for for having us!