Monday, December 26, 2016

Blossom of lights

Christmas Eve, our tradition is to bundle up, make some hot chocolate and walk through our Botanic Gardens. It is a beautiful walk with nothing but smiling faces, families together and excitement in the air. It truly is a wonderful time of the year!

Gingerbread House

Complete with a fire pit in the back yard...hours of pure joy!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

River of Lights

We kicked off the holiday season with lights in Albuquerque. Thank you Anita, having ALL of us ,  (4 humans and 3 dogs.)

...complete with the Yellow Submarine!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Somalian Goodness

One of the 9 languages I have in my classroom this year is Somalian. I have two amazing boys whom are teaching me  about the Somalian culture everyday.
This past weekend the Somalian families who attend out school invited us to a home cooked lunch...and it was amazing. I am humbled by their gratitude and and their food and conversation (through translators) filled my soul.

"mahadsanid" (Thank you)
