Sunday, April 30, 2017

miles and miles

Cole just finished up his running club for the year, and ran for a total of 139 miles.

Ryan just finished up a power hour fund raiser for her swim team and swam 4250 yards - (that is 2.41 miles in an hour).

Proud mama.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Last runs...

of the season. It really has been our best ski to date with the whole family. Everyone was healthy this year and could participate. Cole learned to snowboard and loves it. Ryan was the motivator to get us skiing as much as possible, Jeff loved having the kids finally be able to keep up with him and I didn't cry while skiing a blue run yesterday (goals)!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Nema and Papa

Every day my mom and dad were visiting here in Colorado was a gift...

but the real gift was being able to travel across the Midwest with them to celebrate the life of my Grandma, Mae. And what a gift it was...

5 foods

The other night Ryan asked us all around the dinner table...if you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Cole: Milk, mac and cheese (yes, we gave him that as one), grilled asparagus, carrots and lamb chops.

Jeff: Pork shoulder, green chili, eggs, whiskey and beans.

Ryan: lobster, cake (yes, again we let it slide), broccoli, lemons and goat.

Jordan: Salmon (Fish), spinach, potatoes, cheese,  and wine.

We figured if we can share as a family, we are all set!