Monday, December 17, 2018


About a month ago, I went to a fantastic training for school that taught me to ask my students and own children about not only their success, but their failures too. In a sense...a failure means you went out of your comfort zone, learned something new or challenging. Always succeeding can mean not pushing yourself and the later effects of a failure can be devastating. With that being said, Cole and I had quite a weekend of success and failures and both made us stronger, and more resilient.
Our first fail came in the form of a cookie. Our first attempt was sore on the eyes and didn't taste much better. But we giggled, ate a few anyway, went back to the store and succeed the second time.

Yesterday, we took said cookies and headed for a morning ski just the 2 of us. (Jeff and Ryan were not free - but we did not want to miss a blue bird day.) 
The morning was a huge success  - The failure came in a 7 car accident (we were #3) on the way down the mountain, totaling our oldie but a goodie truck. The beast took most of the impact leaving Cole and I shaken and sore - but safe and unhurt. Everyone in the accident was then offered a cookie (the good batch) while we waited. Help was fast, no one badly injured and the kindness and patience everyone showed was amazing and heart warming.
Failures can be just as important as successes. So thankful.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Our time has been filled with celebrating our friends, enjoying family time and the start to the holidays!

Academic letter for these smart, strong,  beautiful young women.

Some Halloween fun in Albuquerque...

A quiet Halloween night handing out fun seeing the littles now that mine are not!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018


 - Our garden is in full summer harvest thanks to the sun...waking up early while camping to spot moose, thanks to the sun...late runs during soccer practice, thanks to the sun. 

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Cole has had the opportunity to move to a new soccer team that is a level up from what he has played in the past.
Watching him play in their first tournament was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. It is fun to see the group understand the game better and see them develop as players - yet hard to watch  Cole struggle with his confidence. He has moved from being one of the better players, to now one that is struggling with the speed of the game, one of the smallest and noticing the difference between the levels of skill. Jeff and I, on the other hand are really excited for this season - we think he is going to learn so much and gain the confidence he will need to succeed...I only wish he knew that! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Millions of peaches...

peaches for me.
Rupert has been very good to us this year. 

next up - fruit leather, ice cream and compote!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Red Rocks...

You fill me up - Morning Yoga to evening show.

Oh Salina...

What would you do for a friend !?! #Lin-Lin  #27 #AvettBrothers

Pure Michigan

Arguably my favorite place in the world to be...with most of favorite people. Till next year - 
~such a long, long time to be gone. And a short time to be there.