Saturday, March 17, 2018





What a process...but we love our new space!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

mother of dragons

I am so proud of both Ryan and Cole and who they are working on becoming - but the struggle is also real. Parenting has been hard lately. Challenges, reteaching and disappointments. My mom always  says "I am only as happy as your my most unhappy kid" - and I am feeling that right now. It's not easy watching my own learn lessons the hard way and sink to their bottom (at the moment).
With that said, we have recently celebrated a 13th and 15th birthday (hence the struggle ?!?).
Cole has just entered his drawing into the art show and Ryan earned some 1st place ribbons in her last swim meet.
Baby steps! They (we) are not perfect, but I still love my little dragons.

Sunday, March 4, 2018