Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Knit for Paris

Knit for Paris came to fruition today. I let my 3rd grade students pick out a hat that they would love and wear. I only had one request...that if they picked one they would wear it. All 26 students now have a beautiful new hat for the cold months ahead and huge smiles on their faces. There are a few hats left over that I will give to siblings tomorrow.I am going to continue to knit and hope to be able to do this again with my next class.

Words cannot describe my gratitude
Thank you to,
and Mom
I am overwhelmed to report that I now have enough enough hats for my entire class of 25 students. The official count is 30 hats and 4 scarfs. I now hope to be able to give hats to some of the siblings of my students also students at Paris.
From the bottom of my heart...thank you!
Keep on knitting!

Calling all knitters...
I have a new summer project I am starting.
I am a teacher at Paris Elementary school in Aurora,Colorado. Our school is very low income and the majority of the students have a free or reduced lunch. Last year it broke my heart when I realized that most of my first graders not only didn't have winter coats they also did not have hats for the winter. So I started knitting. I managed to make hats for the kids in my class who did not have one. So this year I thought I would call on the many knitters I know to help in my cause. Next year I am teaching third grade and my goal is to have enough hats for my class of 25 and possibly some for siblings. They do not have to be fancy or made with expensive yarn. Just something warm made out of kindness. If you feel the need to knit this summer and fall and just don't have any ideas of what to make...knit a kids hat...any size and I will find it a well deserving home.
Thank you so much for your support.
Please email me at
if you have a hat you would like to donate.
Thank you...thank you!


marjory said...
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marjory said...

Great idea, sweetie. I would love to knit for your 3rd grade class this summer. I'll see how many I get done and I'll send them along. Love Mom

kelly de vries said...

I hope you don't mind, but I called on the knitters in Kyle's family to join in. I added a link to your blog, too. I think this is such a great thing, and the more hats the better. I'm working on a blanket at the moment, but when I get a chance, I'll work on a hat or two.