Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the big O

Here he is finally...
our little Ollie with his mom and dad.
Such a beautiful family!
The word is happy, healthy and adjusting well.
Can't wait to meet him at Christmas.
(I think your mom was right little guy, I see a Hoeksema nose!)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy turkey day

We have so much to be thankful for...
*our newest Hoeksema - Oliver Gus
*my two little chefs
*waiting by the window for uncle nick to come over
*eating icicles
and so much more!
Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Edition!

Ryan and Cole have a new cousin...
Uncle Jacob and Auntie Kat had a little boy November 18th. Everyone is happy and healthy. The squishy bundle of cuteness has not been named yet but I am told that he is super cute! We are all so excited to meet him at Christmas. (Although Ryan was really hoping for girl...so pressure is on Uncle Markie and Auntie Liz!)
We are finally enjoying some winter weather here in Denver, so it's a good thing we all have plenty of hats!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

my latest

I took a break from baby hats and made Jeff one. I ran into a great yarn sale in Angel Fire, New Mexico this summer and bought some really beautiful yarn. This hat was made with Noro yarn that Jeff picked out. What a treat to work with such amazing yarn, and I finally made a hat for Jeff that covers his ears ( I have always underestimated the size of his noggin...they don't call him charlie brown for nothing!)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

"isn't it lovely"

As promised...here are snippets of our lovely wallpaper. Strangely I am sort of getting used to it! The very loud orange flower print is in our laundry room and I think it is so ugly that I love it... We are actually going to keep it!

the new pad

Here are pictures of the front and back of the new house... stay tuned for wallpaper pictures, they are really nice.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


We just celebrated a week in our new house with champagne and apple juice! We are still pinching ourselves and can't quite believe everything worked out and that we found this great house that already feels like home. Here's to many more years of celebrations!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

piles of leaves

This new house is keeping us busy...today we raked our backyard. We never had to do this at the old house seeing that we planted all of the trees so they were not big enough to have to rake. To our delight we now have very mature poplar trees and many clumps of aspens. Who knew raking leaves could be so much fun.