Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Edition!

Ryan and Cole have a new cousin...
Uncle Jacob and Auntie Kat had a little boy November 18th. Everyone is happy and healthy. The squishy bundle of cuteness has not been named yet but I am told that he is super cute! We are all so excited to meet him at Christmas. (Although Ryan was really hoping for pressure is on Uncle Markie and Auntie Liz!)
We are finally enjoying some winter weather here in Denver, so it's a good thing we all have plenty of hats!

1 comment:

marjory said...

Good job on the hats! They are great and I love the knitted flowers on yours and Ryan's. And how great that you have snow for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the food, wine, weather and family on this holiday. So so glad you're coming here next month! Love Mom