Sunday, April 27, 2008

snowflakes and popsicles

Catching snowflakes yesterday

Eating Popsicles today...

that's Colorado weather for ya!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

tiny fingers, little projects

I am definitely in the land of having a 3 and a 5 year old. They are creative, have determination and want to help with everything! Now I have to admit I am not as patient as I could be and I am always struggling with how to let them help but still get the job or project finished. So last weekend (with wonderful suggestions from my mom and how she did it with my brothers and me when we were little) I put together a project tub and a new sewing basket for Ryan and Cole. Sewing has been a hit this week since that is what I have been doing. It's so great watching them "create" and be so proud of it!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

mama's little helpers

I can't ask for more...
a clean car and a really fun activity for the kids!
(I know, I know, I am aware that the enthusiasm for washing mom's car will drop dramatically, but for now it's really fun and I'll take it!)

left out

You know it's beautiful weather at our house when the yellow goulashes are left out of our adventures outside and remain lonely in the middle of the floor.
The outdoors is bursting with life...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the debut

Here she is....Isabella Rose (or Izzy, Ella, Bella)
I know I am her auntie, but isn't she beautiful!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

welcome baby girl!

Ryan is one of the happiest little girls today...we heard the news this morning that she is not the only girl anymore. Today we welcome Isabella Rose Hoeksema! My brother...The proud dad... let me know this morning that she was born around 8:00am Michigan time. She is 7lbs. 7oz and 20 and a half inches long. He also told me that Liz is his hero. Liz and Izzy (love that!!!) are well and exhausted. I can't wait to meet you little are so loved.
Stay tuned for pictures.
Good Job Markie and Liz!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Today the family has a bit of a Nema and Papa hangover. My mom and dad left this morning for Michigan (driving that is) after their almost week long visit. I cannot describe how wonderful it was to have them here. They got to see the house for the first time and I must say I feel just that much better having them know where we live now. Today has been a day of tears, and going over our week of fabulous and funny memories and questions.
Just a few of those being...
Who is gonna hold our hand?

Who is going to take us to the park...AGAIN?

And who will have a happy hour Oberon with me?

Thank you for everything mom and dad. It was such a good visit. Can't wait for July already and...

love you

Thursday, April 3, 2008

new ink

Happy belated and early birthday to Jeff...
For all of you who know Jeff well, you probably already wished him happy Jeff month. He will then go on to celebrate Jeff eve and Jeffmas (the 30th of April).
I guess I am not the only one in the family to be obnoxious about their birthday!
For Jeff's birthday last year he wanted a tattoo...a portrait of the kids. The artist had almost a year waiting list for an appointment. So I made the appointment for this February last April. Long wait, but well worth it. He really does amazing work.

Jeff gave the artist photos where both kids were 2 years old at the time.
And the finished product...

Ryan's portrait was for last year's birthday (late)
and Cole's was done for this year's birthday (early).
Maybe next year I'll get it right!