Saturday, April 26, 2008

tiny fingers, little projects

I am definitely in the land of having a 3 and a 5 year old. They are creative, have determination and want to help with everything! Now I have to admit I am not as patient as I could be and I am always struggling with how to let them help but still get the job or project finished. So last weekend (with wonderful suggestions from my mom and how she did it with my brothers and me when we were little) I put together a project tub and a new sewing basket for Ryan and Cole. Sewing has been a hit this week since that is what I have been doing. It's so great watching them "create" and be so proud of it!

1 comment:

marjory said...

Boy what memories that brings back of you and your brothers and plastic needlepoint canvas projects! I see some future homemade Christmas gifts in the making. Love Mom