Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This mother's day Jeff spoiled me with good food all day and I didn't have to wash a dish (the best part)!
The day started with me being able to sleep in and it got better from there.
The menu was...

Ryan also gave me a present she made in school. On the back is written...
I love you mom because you give me candy and you help me write my friend's names.
(5 year olds are so easy!)

Best job I have ever had.


Liz said...

What a lovely day you had! Happy Mother's Day to you!

marjory said...

As your mum, let me just say how wonderful it is to know that my girl has such a thoughtful and devoted husband and such adorable and delicious kids. You are such a lucky wife and mother!

Sutter Family said...

Happy Mothers Day Jordan! Your blog is great and your kids are beutiful! I am happy to be able to see how big they are getting! I haven't been great the last few weeks about updating my blog, but there are a but of Kaleb pictures from the last year if your interested! Talk to you soon!
