Monday, June 16, 2008


Having come from a very imaginative group of kids growing up and making up games to keep us entertained ... the infamous rock smashers...
I was tickled to hear that Ryan and Cole had made one up of their own.
It's called stomping and the rules are...

Get your rubber boots
Fill them to the top with water from the hose
Step into them
and see how fast you can run around the backyard in them.
Hours of entertainment and very amusing to watch.

Happy imagining new games with your kids.


luanne Voss said...

It made me smile as soon as I saw the words:
rock smashers! The torch is passed to our children's children!

Kristin said...

You guys are so darn cute! Have fun!

Leah M. said...

I remember rock smashers! ....and capture the flag and 7 steps around the house and whiffle ball games.... So many good times.