Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Appetizer -
tomato, basil and mozzarella
(compliments of Chef Ryan)
Main dish - spaghetti
(Cole had no idea)

Dessert -
Chocolate cake with...
yup, pureed zucchini.
(you really can't tell)
If you can't tell already I am having to be very creative.
Thanks for the idea mom...any more?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

from locks to mohawk


AFTER - and so proud

Cole just had his annual haircut...it has been an entire year since his last haircut give or take a few trims.

He finally told us that he was tired of it in his eyes and

he wanted to have a Mohawk again. With some sadness we knew it was time and said yes.

I am always surprised afterward at how big and blue his eyes are...I can see them again.

our little boy!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

my new best friend

This cookbook...From Asparagus to Zucchini (thank you Jake) has been the answer to my question...what to I do with all of these tomatoes and zucchinis?
Tonight I tried a savory zucchini bake. It was delicious, healthy and the zucchini was hidden so well that even Cole like it. Okay...it wasn't his favorite but he did try more that one bite on his own...in my mind - success!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...

has been our motto for 2 days now. It has been deliciously raining and 60 degrees for a few days, which is a welcomed change from our record breaking 23 days of 90 degrees + weather.

Ryan - takes full advantage and gears up with our neighbor friend to play in the rain.

Cole - takes the dry road. (what a surprise!)
footie pajamas, hot chocolate and rolling thunder...it is all wonderful.

Monday, August 11, 2008

ready, set, go!

lunch made...check
tomorrow...ready for her first day of kindergarten
oh my goodness... oh my goodness!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

let them eat cake...

After my first successful week as a third grade teacher we decided to celebrate with cake!
The real story...
As most of you know, Jeff is the chef in our house. I do not like to cook, and I am not that good at it. Just recently (this summer) I started thinking that if I were to take a cooking class or enjoy an aspect of cooking it would be baking/cake decorating. I bought a great cake recipe book this summer and it sat on the shelf until this weekend. I decided to make my first cake. I have to admit...I really enjoyed the process and I am very pleased with the end result (not too hard, it is cake).

cappuccino truffle cake

The true test...uncle Nick came over and even he liked it.
yeah! happy baking.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

last hurrah

This week I went back to school...already! In our last attempt to have super family fun days before that happened we took many trips to the library and to the pool. And last weekend we took the kids mini golfing for the first time. What a hoot! They enjoyed themselves almost as much as Jeff and I did. Sad to have our summer end but what a great one it was.