Sunday, August 24, 2008

from locks to mohawk


AFTER - and so proud

Cole just had his annual has been an entire year since his last haircut give or take a few trims.

He finally told us that he was tired of it in his eyes and

he wanted to have a Mohawk again. With some sadness we knew it was time and said yes.

I am always surprised afterward at how big and blue his eyes are...I can see them again.

our little boy!


marjory said...

his new haircut makes him look so much older! What a sweetie pie.

Liz said...

We love the hiarcut Cole! You look like such a big kid! Uncle Markie and Aunt Liz

Anita said...

I'm so proud of all of you. It's a big deal to cut such beautiful hair. He actually asked for a hair cut. WoW! he is getting older. It makes me happy and sad. He is so special!

kelly de vries said...

He looks like such a big boy now! So sad to see the long go, but the short is too cute!