Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for?

"I am happy that I have a warm and cozy bed that I can take long naps in." - Cole...age 3

"I love my lunch bag so that I don't have to eat cafeteria food at school. And you pack me really good lunches that I like." - Ryan...age 5

"I am thankful for my incredible husband that loves me, cooked our entire thanksgiving dinner and gave me my beautiful babies."
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

warm fuzzy goodness

Between the slippers from Nema and the hats and scarves I made...we are ready for winter. Come on snow!

more hats!

I now have over fifty very warm and colorful heads running around my school. Our kindergarden buddy class got their hats this week.
It makes my heart happy.
Thank you, thank you...again.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

thank you and thank you

First of all...
I have another update for Knit for Paris.
My third grade class has a kindergarten class we have been buddies with since the beginning of the school year. They eat lunch together, have recess together and read to each other. It has been really neat to see my class take on the responsibility of becoming role models. And I am happy to report that I now have enough hats to "adopt" our buddies' kindergarten class. On Monday I will be bringing the hats into school (I am finishing the last one up right now)to give to them.
Super exciting!
From the bottom of my heart...thank you to my Aunt Evelyn, cousin Kelly and my mom.
Thank you Thank you.

Also, Cole has now started soccer lessons. Jeff brings him to practice every Tuesday and he loves it. He was so proud of himself this week when he learned how to stop the ball.
So, Thank you Oma and Opa for the Holland Soccer jersey. I can't get it off of him.
Thank you Thank you.

And on a side note, here is Ryan's story of the week...
The other night she came downstairs to me after working hard for a while in her room and handed me this piece of paper. She then went on to tell me that this was a letter to Barrack Obama just in case he came to our house. "That's why there are American Flags all over it," she said.
My darling girl.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Scaredy Cat and Karate Man

Our day started with a parade and party at Ryan's school and ended with trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. So fun!

Happy Halloween to all

a visit with nema

My mom came to visit this week while I had the week off for fall break. We had so much fun exploring red rocks, going out got dinner, and doing a little shopping. It was some much needed mom/nema time.

thanks mummsy...
love you
love you