Sunday, September 27, 2009

a week in photos

the zoo

Ryan's school carnival

our block party

and a Rockies baseball game.

As Jeff would say..."This is a week you judge all other weeks by."

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The tooth fairy made her debut last night at the Bustos house.

Friday, September 11, 2009

labor day

Every year Jeff's company has a great party on labor day. You may remember the T rex and cat from last year. This year we had a Trex and a butterfly...

thanks josh and jen

Monday, September 7, 2009

a blanket and little bag

Everytime we go to a store with fabric, Ryan is very drawn to the fat quarter wall. I have been letting her pick out 1 or 2 here and there. Yesterday was the day to actually make something with her pile of fabric. Ryan finished her first sewing projects! She sat on my lap and listened really well and was very curoius of all of the things the sewing machine could actually do. It was the best hour I have spent with my little girl in some time now (still trying to figure out this going to school and not being craby when she gets home thing.)

The finished product is a baby blanket for her doll Lily

and a little bag to house the uno game which we must bring everywhere...just in case!

Mama and daughter are very proud.

Friday, September 4, 2009


it's Friday!

preferably the robot dance.
Happy Long Weekend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cole's carrots

I have a little boy that does not eat many vegetables without putting up a huge fight or waiting out the battle by sitting at the dinner table until almost bedtime. So this spring when we planted our vegetable garden we really wanted to get Cole involved. We let him pick out something special that would be for him to take care of. Naturally he chose carrots, the veggie that doesn't make him gag (most of the time.)
This weekend we had a proud boy...until he realized he had to eat it of course. Cole's carrots are in!