Everytime we go to a store with fabric, Ryan is very drawn to the fat quarter wall. I have been letting her pick out 1 or 2 here and there. Yesterday was the day to actually make something with her pile of fabric. Ryan finished her first sewing projects! She sat on my lap and listened really well and was very curoius of all of the things the sewing machine could actually do. It was the best hour I have spent with my little girl in some time now (still trying to figure out this going to school and not being craby when she gets home thing.)
The finished product is a baby blanket for her doll Lily
and a little bag to house the uno game which we must bring everywhere...just in case!
Mama and daughter are very proud.
Well done, Ryan (and Jordan)! What a wonderful journey to take together. The best!
Oh my goodness...I can't believe she put a zipper in! You must be a really good teacher!
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