Thursday, April 1, 2010

hut trip

Our first hut trip to Walter's cabin was a success. The kids were rock stars...they snowshoed in 2.7 miles on snowshoes...being pulled in the sled just the last 200 yards for fun. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to get to the hut with a stop for lunch and many many bathroom breaks (note to self: do not let Cole carry a camel back anymore!)

This is the spectacular view from our front deck. It really was an amazing place to just be. Peaceful and utterly grand.

After a long hike in...we had precious time with our family. We had time to play a some marathon games of uno, discover and explore snow forts in our "front yard" and do some of the best sledding we have ever done...

...and make countless snow angles.

This one is for you Jake...taken right in front of Shrine Mountain.

The snowshoe out was downhill and only took about 2 hours with many bathroom breaks again (still didn't learn).

This was the most amazing trip and we are ready to book another hut trip for next year already...anyone want to come with us?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Awesome! These pictures are absolutely amazing! We would love to come, wish we lived closer! Fabulous, what a time to cherish!