Wednesday, July 21, 2010

our hearts are happy

We just got home from a peaceful couple nights of camping with my amazing little family of four. We found spot that Jeff and I feel like we have been looking for for years. It is National Forrest on little Meadow Creek lake just south of Rocky Mountain National Park. We drove in Sunday afternoon just as everyone else was packing up, so we had the place to our selves.

a lot of relaxing

the kids each caught their first fish...little rainbows

Jeff caught more fish on a few paddles around the lake

The people leaving right before us told us to keep an eye out for moose. They said that they frequent the area and take a path right by our campsite to get to the lake. As soon as we heard that the kids were on moose watch...

And they came! We had the pleasure of 3 bulls company for 2 of the 3 days we were there.

It was really spectacular...hence our souls are filled and our hearts are happy. It was a gift of a little camping trip.


marjory said...

Very cool! Moose memories for Ryan and Cole!

Anonymous said...

wow! seeing moose is a really special thing. glad you found a family camping spot that spoke to you all. peaceful hearts are so good! enjoy your last couple days of summer, jordan.

Liz said...

Awesome, what an amazing spot, and beautiful pictures! So glad that you got to spend some quality time with the family before things get busy again.

KristaG said...

Your family is so beautiful Jordan! I love reading your family blogs and feeling like I know you all, even though we are so far away and have met but once:) Krista