Sunday, August 29, 2010

my wish...

to have more days like this with my family.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ryan's Room

This summer Ryan decided it was time for the striped peach, white and tan wall paper to come down. We looked at many catalogues for ideas and this is what we came up with...such a fun room.

It was wonderful creating with my inspired little girl.

Friday, August 20, 2010

3rd annual Knit for Paris

It is that time of year again...Knit for Paris (again)

School has started, kids are excited and I am ready to knit!
I would love your supoort again.

sisters, Alejandra (I have again for a 2nd year) and Lorena (I had in class 2 years ago)

Last year
my 3rd grade class was completely outfitted with hats, mittens and scarves. This year I looped with my students...which means that I am teaching the same class fourth grade. So this year I am looking to adopt another class in the school and choose families in need to knit for since all of my students already have warm lovlies.
I will take any knits you make and find them happy homes. Any donations would be appreciated. Just shoot me a comment or email...

Thank You Thank you


Sunday, August 15, 2010

mile high music festival

Yesterday I took the kids to the mile high music festival for a little live music. The kids were rock stars...hanging in for a whole day of shows. By the end of the night I had to drag them away from Jack Johnson. Can't wait to do it again today! When Ryan was three, Jeff and I took her to her first Red Rocks show...Tom Petty and the Heart breakers. So when Donovan Frakenreiter played this song it was perfect to be sitting there with her.

And what is a music festival with out a little Cypress Hill (for you uncle Markie).

Truly a great happy to be able to share it with my two booty shaking babes.

Monday, August 2, 2010

surprise, surprise

Our first surprise came after nursing an orchid plant for 3 years we finally have flowers! I think Jeff and I had just about given up the task of orchid growing when this this happened.

well worth the wait.

The second surprise came about a month ago when this started growing out of our compost. We decided to let the zucchini plant continue to grow in the compost and just use the other side. We lovingly named it Zuchzilla when it took over almost the whole side of the house.

So last night I went to check the progress of the fruit when...surprise! Zuchzilla is growing pumpkins!