Tuesday, November 2, 2010

such a long long time to be gone...and a short time to be there

My parents just left Colorado after being here this past week. Every year my folks come out to help me celebrate my fall break from school. As my dad would say..It was time for them to go home but I sure wish they could come over for dinner again tomorrow night.It is so hard to have the "all or nothing" sometimes but I am so grateful for the long trip they make to see us.
It is always a week full of family, activities and laughter. Here are just a few of the highlights...

We spent a beautiful afternoon at the alpine slide and riding the python "roller coaster."

We carved our home grown pumpkins and did a little trick or treating.

We even had enough time to get a little putt putting in.

thank you.thank you.thank you for coming.


Liz said...

what an awesome week! I love the homegrown pumpkins! They look perfect!

marjory said...

Thanks for having us!