Thursday, December 30, 2010

havin' fun

The kids have enjoyed the lovely weather of this past holiday week. We have been having fun riding (new) bikes, playing at the park and I have been having fun playing with my new "toy". Jeff got me a new wide angle lens for my camera for has been super fun trying it out! (Liz, I wish we lived closer...I could use some pointers!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

more Christmas...

our annual walk through the botanic gardens on Christmas Eve...equipped with hot chocolate.

opening presents

the aftermath

Enjoying every moment of the holidays and the precious break from work and school.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

in the moment

So happy to be on Christmas Break with my family. These two little ones of ours make me smile so much. Yesterday, Ryan informed me that she was going to get married when she gets older. When I asked her who she was going to marry she said..."I am not sure, but I know I want to marry someone that has not been in jail and someone that does not already have a girlfriend." Setting the bar high (we'll have to work in raising it a bit but it's a start!) I just love how kids think. Jeff and I are both feeling like kids these days enjoying our time with our own and anticipating Christmas morning. The holiday cheer is definitely surrounding us...from Santa to making and decorating cookies (including the festive Christmas stegosaurus).

Happy Happy Holidays...cheers!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

little gymnasts

Today Ryan and Cole had their gymnastics meet. It was super and fun to watch what they have been working on in class. This was Cole's first time taking the class now that he is old enough. They both loved tumbling and learning all of the events, and I loved a whole hour of knitting on Saturday mornings during class. I would say it was success for all.

the floor exercise

uneven bars

high beam

Saturday, December 4, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

now just waiting for a little snow around's such a fun time of year!