Saturday, April 16, 2011

more spring break

My parents came for a long awaited visit in March. The kids had endless amounts of fun...having someone to play uno, kurplunk, dinosaurs or just having their backs scratched at all times! As always we packed our visit with fun things to do...

a walk around red rocks

Garden of the Gods

going out for pizza at a favorite spot

or just laying in a sunny spot with a book

You filled me up and reminded me to you and thank you. thank you for coming.


marjory said...

Thank you for having us! It's always something we look forward to, marking the end of's always a pretty long 5 months for us! See you this summer! Love you, love you

luanne Voss said...

Great pics....I was kind of looking for the highlights of your parents' trip. Looks like a good time was had by all!