Thursday, June 9, 2011

behind the scenes

The kids and I were invited to go to a special behind the scenes tour at the Denver Zoo. This is what we learned...

"You have to squirt your fingers with water to touch this bull frog because his skin is so sensitive. They can actually breathe through their skin!" -Ryan

"Don't put your fingers in the the Macaw's cage because their beaks are very sharp and strong. They use their beaks to crack open nuts, and you don't want them cracking your finger." -Cole

" I learned that when the armadillo gets scared he rolls into a ball." -Cole
"This kind of Armadillo (from Texas) is the only kind that can roll into a perfect ball because his face and tail are a triangle shape and they fit perfectly together." -Ryan

Thanks Lilly and Emily!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Awesome experience. Let the summer fun begin!