Tuesday, July 26, 2011

back in the mountains

We are trying to enjoy the end of our summer break by taking advantage of family time whenever/wherever we can. This father's day Cole's gift for his daddy was to go on a hike of Jeff's choice. Jeff choose to go up to Mt Evans...of of Colorado's 56 fourteeners in hopes to "hook" the kids for future climbs. This one fortunately can be driven up almost to the top leaving a half mile walk to the very top. Needless to say, I think the kids are hooked. They seem very eager to conquer more peaks!

checking out the view

the very top...14,250 feet above sea level
76 degrees at the bottom at 10 in the morning...46 at the top!

big horned sheep greeted us at the top...the highlight of the day!

An amazing and peaceful day.


marjory said...

Lovely, lovely; miss you, miss you! So happy for the wonderful adventures you take your kids on!!

Liz said...

Great pictures! It is an awesome spot. Glad you are making the most of your summer! What an amazing experience for Ryan and Cole.