Tuesday, August 23, 2011

knit for kids

 So excited to have been able to give each of my 24 students a hat (or scarf or mittens) again this year . It was so fun to watch them pick the hat that suited them best and be excited about it. Then the next morning they all came to school with glowing smiles wearing their new hats. Thanks again for making this year another success. Your generosity overwhelms me each and every year. "We" thank you so much!

This year I am teaching 1st grade at a new school (Crawford Elementary)...hence the new title!
I am teaching in a school with very similar demographics as my previous school...we have over 600 students with 92% having free or reduced lunches. This means most of the students are coming from low income families. I remember years where so many of  my students did not have proper clothes for the winter months. As a teacher and a mom, I believe in the importance of kids having time outdoors every day for exercise and fresh air. Instead of keeping those kids without warm clothes inside I decided to reach out and ask friends and family to make sure every student in my classroom had a warm hat (as well as mittens and scarves) so they too could go out and play. This is the 4th annual knit for kids...and I hope the best ever.
So if you are in the need of a knitting project or have old hats/mittens etc. that your families have out grown send them my way. Any and all donations would be appreciated. I will find wonderful homes for them.
Thanks so much!

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