Sunday, January 6, 2013

What a great day...

for a swim meet
  and a bit of target practice.

Ryan participated in her second meet this weekend. She had a "tough" day yesterday with the dreaded butterfly (which she does better than me!) and a great day today shaving off 9 seconds her 50 backstroke and 10 seconds off her 100 freestyle. So fun to see her swim and even more fun  to see her smile and have fun.
Cole got his first target practice with his bow and arrow he got for Christmas. He had some success with hitting the target but as you can holes in the red bulls eye! The thanks you's and pure excitement was  the best part of my day.
Love these two and had a great two weeks vacation with them.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Sounds fun! Love the picture with the bulls eye in the background! Awesome shot. He will be hitting it in no time!