Friday, May 24, 2013

walking around

I found myself walking around the house and yard with the camera the other day. I stepped over a sleeping 9 year old sequoia sleeping in a ray of sunshine to find this precious moment. A girl that found a (my) favorite spot in the house to read a book  so good she couldn't put it down...and her puppy very willing to snuggle in her stillness. I tried my best to not disturb and capture the magic.

I continued on, following my nose...the campfire smell was coming through the window. And there was a boy and his dad, piling wood just so, lighting matches and poking the fire as everyone loves to do. Again I tried my best to just watch...and not disturb.

Walking back into the house to put the camera away and join my lovelies by the fire I caught a glimpse of the weeping peach tree Jeff and I planted in honor of our 12 year anniversary that just passed.

I am overwhelmed...and I am the luckiest girl.

Monday, May 20, 2013

mother's day

Our annual french toast and fruit mother's day the sunshine with my sunshines!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

these two

...the best of friends!