Saturday, January 4, 2014

new years list...

Happy Happy New Year! This new year feels very different and extremely exciting. Like I have said, changes are happening and all for the best. Jeff's new career is starting to roll, we have more family time than ever before and kids and I are excited for the second half of our school years. Catching up with my good friend Lindsay over the break she was telling me of her dislike of resolutions and this year instead she wrote a list of 10 goals and started a blog about it...which got me thinking...what are our lists?
:: Qualify for the state swim meet
:: Eat healthy
:: Try new things: gymnastics
:: babysit
:: get better grades in math (multiplication facts!!)

~ try baseball again in the spring
~ read more books
~ get a 4 (A) in everything on my report card
~ play Mozart on the piano
~ have less "screens" and play with friends more.

My list...
Be more present or two days a week with no media.
Finally learn to play the guitar.
Get healthy...cleanse and exercise
Play, ski,snow shoe, hike.
"make" more...bread, cheese, yogurt, clothes...
run 2 races - boulder boulder, triathlon
give more time and energy to the garden
family road trip
try new yoga poses in class...head stand, flip my dog

What is your list?


1 comment:

marjory said...

Oh, my goodness, sweetie, you make me teary with love and gratitude for you and your family. What a good job you and Jeff are doing, raising your kids, being a family, and being so conscious of who and where you are in this world. Love, love, love