Sunday, June 29, 2014

another goal...check!

Cole and his piano teacher playing Mozart!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Angel Fire

Could not have asked for a better weekend...with family!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

for Jeff

I realize that this blog is not only for me to stay connected to family whom is far way, but for my own personal pictorial diary for lack of better words. I also realize that I write/post from my own point of view(mostly) and there are three other souls in this foursome that is our family. So I will "try " to write from Jeff's point of view via our conversations throughout our day together as a family...We volunteered at a dog shelter this morning and  "it was so fulfilling for so many reasons." We then came home and proceeded to have a "normal" afternoon at home.."It was a perfect day...mowed the lawn, taught the boy how to use the trimmer, made cantaloupe margaritas, loved the present company. Made a great dinner and had a great bottle of wine."

My turn...I love what makes this man happy. So grateful to have this man be the father of my kids - that want to strive to be like him.
Happy Father's day!

Friday, June 13, 2014


There is talk of trying out swim team next year...another swimmer?!?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

fun with my girl

Ryan and I had a nice  afternoon ride, lunch and a little face painting of course!

The next day she achieved another of her goals...and volunteered at the boxer rescue. So proud of this one!