Sunday, June 15, 2014

for Jeff

I realize that this blog is not only for me to stay connected to family whom is far way, but for my own personal pictorial diary for lack of better words. I also realize that I write/post from my own point of view(mostly) and there are three other souls in this foursome that is our family. So I will "try " to write from Jeff's point of view via our conversations throughout our day together as a family...We volunteered at a dog shelter this morning and  "it was so fulfilling for so many reasons." We then came home and proceeded to have a "normal" afternoon at home.."It was a perfect day...mowed the lawn, taught the boy how to use the trimmer, made cantaloupe margaritas, loved the present company. Made a great dinner and had a great bottle of wine."

My turn...I love what makes this man happy. So grateful to have this man be the father of my kids - that want to strive to be like him.
Happy Father's day!

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