Sunday, August 30, 2015

one of those days

After a few hours at urgent care and our Bubba has a fractured distal radius after a great defensive play in his soccer game today. Cast to be decided on tomorrow. 
"This just has not been the best day!" ~Cole

Monday, August 17, 2015

A lovely day for a hike...

to Rainbow Lake.

Thank you for visiting us, Anita!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

chef de cuisine

Ryan made dinner for us the other night...rode her bike to the library and checked out cook books,
wrote out a grocery list,
prepared and presented.
::appetizer course - smoked salmon and caper stuffed cucumber with cucumber water

Cole had is own appetizer of paprika mayo drizzled carrots...surprise, surprise!

::Entree Course - Ry's BtBM (bacon, tomato, basil and homemade mozzerella on sourdough
with lemon/lime quencher.

::Dessert course - fruit pizza (one of these things is not like the other.)
I say encore my love, encore!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Cole had his first tournament of the season on his new team...The Mustangs. They came away with 3rd place (out of 4, but who's counting!) He felt the size of the bigger field this year in sore muscles but the boys did great. Cole is know as DK (Dark Knight) on the team... and really is showing how much he is learning this year.  It was great fun to watch him play soccer again.

Well done Mustangs!