Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Toscana (Tuscany)...part 1

Oh wonderful you were to us! Jeff and I spend the first half of our holiday in Chianti just outside of the small town of Tavernelle. We stayed in an Agritourismo (or agrotourism, as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch ) villa with the most wonderful of hosts. They produce olive oil from their groves as well as Chianti Classico wine from their Sangiovese grape vineyards. From there we rented a car and took day trips to Sienna, Firenze (Florence) and Chianti of course. It was stunning, relaxing with a lot of walking and the wine! 
Dinner at our Villa

Chianti Classico in the making...Sangiovese grapes.

Duomo of Sienna

Duomo of Firenze

Ponte Vecchio

1 comment:

Liz said...

Looks like an amazing trip! So glad you guys enjoyed your time together. Beautiful pictures!