Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A tribute to being 2

Cole is turning 3 on Saturday so I thought I would pay tribute to 2 year olds...

-they still let their mom and dad do whatever they want with their hair

-playing in the backyard with yellow boots and no pants is just another day

-even boys still love their baby doll and name them harry

-and they scare their moms to death with their never ending new "tricks"

I will be sad to say goodbye to 2.


marjory said...

Happy Birthday to Cole! Eat a chocolate cupcake for Nema on your birthday. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

For Intimate Gatherings said...

Hey jordan, thanks for checking out my blog. I like the hats...anything small is so much cuter than what I can fit on my head. If you're ever passing through Chicago, you should get in touch.